FGL Pool Create Pool Screen

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Using FGL ONLINE Golf Pool generation has a fee of $125/year by Check or Money Order or by Using your Credit Card Using PayPal.

This fee is not DUE upon signing up your league. You will have Four (4) FREE weeks to evaluate the service to see if it meets your needs. After that period, if you decide to remain using the service, you will need to mail in a check or money order for $125 or by using your Credit Card using PayPal to continue using the service.

For this fee you get an unlimited amount of "Owners" and you can configure the pool to your specifications.
Owners can manager their own golfer picks online.
Automatic Data Entry for golfer weekly scores and earnings.

FGL Home Page
MagaDraw - The Computer Experts
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
Scot A. Maga https://www.fglweb.com
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